Its aim is to promote architectural education based on local heritage, aimed at primary school children (classes I-VI) and teachers. As part of the project, materials will be developed analysing the local urban fabric seen in detail, and educational scenarios addressed to children and parents. On the basis of these aids, workshops will be conducted in which, in addition to children, teachers/educators/animators will also participate as observers.

The workshop meetings organized as part of the project combine two objectives – they realize the task of architectural education of children and broaden the methodological horizon of teachers/educators/animators participating in the workshops. The aim of the educators will be to show local architecture seen in detail, viewed in situ and then told about/analysed/creatively processed in the space of the Cultural Institution. For teachers and educators, evaluation questionnaires will be prepared to be filled in after the workshops; we will also offer the possibility of discussion during an online meeting which will allow for sharing the conclusions of the workshops from a certain time distance.